
Karkinagri has a range of accommodations which may be easily found on the internet. The village has two mini-markets and some accommodations are self-catering..

We recommend every month except perhaps those of July and August where the heat can be excessive and rooms are expensive.

Travel to Karkinagri is normally by car-hire or taxi. There is also a boat which goes from Agios Kirikos at two in the afternoon on three days a week for five euros. The contact number is: Dimitris - 698 738 6360.

Mahalaxmi Yoga Centre is open for most of the year and reservations may be made by simply sending us an email with your preferred dates. Those with no previous experience of Yoga are most welcome as are those who wish to further enrich their knowledge.
Space is limited and we are only able to accept five guests at any one time, so the earlier you book the better.
There is a suggested donation of two hundred euros per week of attendance which goes towards the maintenance of the centre and its teacher. This may be offered by hand at the end of your visit if you are fully satisfied in what you have received. If you lack money and would prefer to offer work instead, this can be arranged.
Potential visitors should be aware that the walk up from the village takes approximately twenty minutes and the path is quite steep in places.